Living Our Faith


Word on Fire
Sermons, reflections and insights from  renowned Bishop Robert Barron to help you proclaim Christ to the culture
Ascension Presents
YouTube channel filled with a wide array of Catholic videos on practical ways to live out your faith
Catholic Answers
Search the world's largest database of answers about the beliefs and practices of the
Catholic faith
Bible in a Year
This podcast, by Fr. Mike Schmitz, will help you understand the Bible and apply it to daily living. Episodes are 20-25 minutes
Catechism in a Year
This podcast reveals the truth and beauty of
our Catholic faith, founded by Jesus.
Daily episodes are 15-20 minutes
Diocese of Belleville
Stay up to date on the Catholic Church of Southern Illinois
Global Catholic Network is the largest
religious media network in the world
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Leading the Catholic Christians of the United States and US Virgin Islands
The Vatican
News and updates from
The Holy See